Seminar Indeks Kemerdekaan Pers Jawa Timur 2016 : Sudah Merdekakah Pers Kita?


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Indeks Kemerdekaan Pers merupakan inisiatif dan kerja panjang Dewan Pers sejak tahun 2010. Indeks Kemerdekaan Pers muncul sebagai respon dari belum ditemukannya sebuah indikator yang secara memadai menggambarkan persoalan kemerdekaan pers di Indonesia, sekaligus memunculkan pencapaian-pencapaian positif yang telah dihasilkan oleh Indonesia.

Hasil Indeks Kemerdekaan Pers 2016 menunjukkan bahwa Indeks Kemerdekaan Pers Indonesia berada dalam posisi agak bebas (62.81) baik pada bidang hukum, politik dan ekonomi. Indeks Kemerdekaan Pers kumulatif di 24 provinsi di Indonesia berada dalam posisi agak bebas. Posisi ini tidak cukup aman karena ‘hanya’ dua indikator-utama yang relatif aman. Dari 19 indikator utama, terdapat lima indikator yang mengancam memperburuk kemerdekaan pers, yaitu (a) independensi media dari kelompok kepentingan (56.14); (b) tata kelola perusahaan (57.63); (c) independensi lembaga peradilan (59.33); (d) etika pers (60.85); dan (e) kehadiran lembaga penyiaran publik (61.25). Disisi lain, dari 71 indikator non utama terdapat 19 indikator (26.74%) dinilai baik. Kesembilan belas indikator tersebut mengindikasikan berkurangnya campur tangan negara dan pelembagaan akses informasi seperti kebebasan berserikat, kebebasan dari kriminalisasi dan intimidasi, akses atas informasi publik dan keragaman kepemilikan. Sembilan [9] indikator lainnya atau 14.08 % yang menyangkut (a) akses kelompok rentan pada media, (b) penghargaan pemerintah terhadap profesionalitas media dan (c) ketergantungan perusahaan pers pada kelompok yang kuat berkualitas buruk dan atau buruk sekali.

PUSHAM UBAYA bekerja sama dengan Dewan Pers, HRLS UNAIR dan AJI Surabaya, berkolaborasi menggagas acara ini, dengan tujuan sebagai sosialisasi dan menyediakan ruang diskusi terkait hasil Indeks Kemerdekaan Pers 2016, khususnya pada skala provinsi. Kegiatan yang mendapatkan dukungan dari Strengthening Human Rights and Peace Research and Education in ASEAN/Southeast Asia (SHAPE-SEA), dipandu oleh 4 orang narasumber yaitu: Christiana Chelsia Chan (Kelompok Kerja Hukum dan Perundang-undangan Dewan Pers), Aloysia Vira Herawati ( Pusat Studi Hak Asasi Manusia Universitas Surabaya), Azmi Sharom (University of Malaya, Malaysia), Herlambang Perdana Wiratraman (Human Rights and Law Studies Universitas Airlangga). Bertindak sebagai moderator yaitu Prasto Wardoyo (Ketua AJI Surabaya).

Kegiatan yang telah diselenggarakan pada 9 Desember 2016, di Gedung Serbaguna Fakultas Psikologi UBAYA ini, dihadiri oleh peserta akademisi, pegiat/akvitis pers (termasuk organisasi profesi dan serikat pekerja), pegiat LSM, pemerhati pers/media, pebisnis media, instansi pemerintahan, kepolisian, dan kejaksaan, sekolah, komunitas jurnalisme warga. Harapan dari terselenggaranya kegiatan ini, para stakeholders pers dan publik umum di Jawa Timur mendapatkan informasi mengenai situasi kemerdekaan pers sepanjang tahun 2016, serta memperoleh pemahaman atas indikator kemerdekaan pers hasil indeks ini.


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Press Freedom Index is an initiative and long working since 2010. The Press Council Press Freedom Index emerged as a response to the discovery of an indicator which has not adequately describe the issue of press freedom in Indonesia, as well as bring up the positive achievements that have been produced by Indonesia.

Result Press Freedom Index 2016 Press Freedom Index shows that Indonesia is in a position somewhat free (62.81), both in the fields of law, politics and economics. Press Freedom Index cumulative in 24 provinces in Indonesia are in a position somewhat freely. This position is not secure enough for ‘only’ two main indicators, which are relatively safe. Of the 19 major indicators, there are five indicators that threatens press freedom worsen, namely (a) the independence of the media from the interest groups (56.14); (B) the corporate governance (57.63); (C) the independence of the judiciary (59.33); (D) press ethics (60.85); and (e) the presence of public service broadcasters (61.25). On the other hand, of the 71 non-main indicators there are 19 indicators (26.74%) were rated good. Nineteenth indicators are indicating a reduction of state interference and institutionalization of access to information such as freedom of association, freedom of criminalization and intimidation, access to public information and diversity of ownership. Nine [9] other indicators or 14:08% concerning (a) the access of vulnerable groups in the media, (b) government awards to media professionalism and (c) the company’s dependence press on a strong group of poor quality or bad.

PUSHAM UBAYA cooperate with the Press Council, HRLS UNAIR and AJI Surabaya, collaborate initiated the event, with the aim of providing space for socialization and discussion related to Press Freedom Index 2016 results, especially on a provincial scale. Activities that have the support of Strengthening Human Rights and Peace Research and Education in ASEAN / Southeast Asia (SHAPE-SEA), guided by four keynote speakers are: Christiana Chelsia Chan (Working Group of Legal and Legislation Press Council), Aloysia Vira Herath ( Centre for Human Rights Studies, University of Surabaya), Azmi Sharom (University of Malaya, Malaysia), Herlambang Prime Wiratraman (Human Rights and Law Studies Airlangga University). Acting as moderator is Prasto Ward (Chairman of AJI Surabaya).

The event has been held on December 9, 2016, at the Multipurpose Building of the Faculty of Psychology Ubaya this, was attended by participants academics, activists / akvitis press (including professional organizations and trade unions), NGO activists, observers of the press / media, business media, government agencies, police and the prosecutor’s office, a school, a community of citizen journalism. Expectations of the implementation of these activities, stakeholders, the press and the general public in East Java to get information about the situation of press freedom throughout 2016, as well as gain an understanding of the indicator’s press freedom index results.[:]

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